Short Bio

I'm a Ph.D. candidate at University of California, San Diego, working mainly in condensed matter theory. My advisor is Prof. Yi-Zhuang You. I began my Ph.D. journey in 2018. Before coming to California, I achieved my Bachelor's degree in Physics from Nanjing University.

My interests mainly lie in condensed matter systems, where rich phenomena emerge from fundamental rules and elements. These rules and elements have deep connections to high energy theory and mathematics. Recently, I've been focused on deconfined quantum criticality, symmetric mass generation, generalized symmetry, and strongly correlated electronic states in real materials. I'm also learning interesting subjects in high energy, quantum information and mathematics.

I recently attended KITP Conference: Topology, Symmetry and Interactions in Crystals: Emerging Concepts and Unifying Themes, TASI 2023: Aspects of Symmetry, and PSSCMP 2023: "Fractionalization, criticality and unconventional quantum materials".

I will attend the KITP Program: Correlated Gapless Quantum Matter from March to May 2024. I will attend the SCGP Program: Symmetric Mass Generation, Topological Phases and Lattice Chiral Gauge Theories.

E-mail: dclu137 at gmail dot com